Collection of personal data for eVisitor registration
Dear visitors,
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, item c) and e) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council
of 27th April 2016 on the protection of individuals relating to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data and with the Directive 95/46/EZ being repealed, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), personal data may
be collected for legitimate purposes of processing and for respecting legal obligations of processing managers as well as for
the purpose of performing tasks of a public interest or at execution of official authorities of the processing manager in the
sense of obligations to provide access to the data.
The relevant regulations of the Republic of Croatia stipulate that the provider of accommodaton services in a hospitality facility
registered for providing accommodation services (i.e. tourist agency authorized by the provider of such services), is obliged to
collect and record in the single system of visitor check-in and check-out eVisitor the following personal data of a person using
the accommodation service (visitor/tourist):
1. Surname and first name
2. Place, country and date of birth
3. Citizenship
4. Type and identification document reference number
5. Place of residence (temporary residence) and adresa
6. Date and time of arrival, i.e. departure from the facility
7. Sex
8. The basis for exemption from paying the sojourn tax i.e. for the reduction of the sojourn tax payment.
The relevant data is colected by the accommodation services provider and is processed by the providers of accommodation
services in the hospitality facility, tourist boards and public authorities of the Republic of Croatia for the following legal purposes:
1. monitoring the implementation of the obligation of registering visitor check-in and check-out by the payer (accommodation
service provider) pursuant to the Sojourn Tax Act (OG 152/08, 59/09, 97/13, 158/13 and 30/14) and the
Ordinance on the manner of keeping visitor registers and the form and content of the form of registration of visitors with
the tourist board (OG 126/15);
2. records, calculations and collection of sojourn tax pursuant to the Sojourn Tax Act (OG 152/08, 59/09, 97/13, 158/13
and 30/14) and the Customs Services Act (OG 68/13, 30/14 and 115/16);
3. keeping a register or list of guests by the accommodation services provider and monitoring the implementation
of the said obligation by the inspection authorities based on the Hospitality and Catering Industry Act (85/15 and
121/16) and Tourist Inspection Act (OG 19/14);
4. Registration of foreigners in the Ministry of the Interior and the monitoring of the implementation of the said
obligation by the inspection authority pursuant to the Aliens Act (OG 130/11, 74/13 and 69/17) and Act on Police Affairs
and Authorities (OG 76/09 and 92/14);
5. keeping records of tourists by tourist boards and statistical processing and reporting pursuant to the Sojourn Tax Act
(OG 152/08, 59/09, 97/13, 158/13 and 30/14) and the Act on Tourist Boards and Promotion of Croatian Tourism (OG 152/08);
6. supervision of business of accommodaton service providers in the part related to the legality of providing registered
services and compliance with taxation and other regulations on public contributions pursuant to the Customs
Services Act (OG 68/13, 30/14 and 115/16), the General Tax Act (OG 115/16) and the Act on the Inspection of Road
Transport and Roads (OG 22/14).
In consideration of article 5, paragraph 4 of the Ordinance on the manner of keeping records of tourists and the form and
content of the registration of tourists with the tourist board, it has been prescribed that all information in the check-in and
check-out of visitors is entered based on the information listed in the identity card, that is, some other travel or other identity
document, the visitor/tourist is obliged to present to the accommodation services provider such a document and provide any
other information required for the data entry, not contained in such a document.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Ordinance on the manner of keeping visitor registers and the form and content of the form
of registration of visitors with the tourist board, the collected information is retained for the period of 10 years.
Thank you for understanding.